Submitted by stan on Thu, 06/05/2014 - 20:49
I think I have messed up my renewal as payment has been accepted, but the server still shows the old about to expire license. Rather than renew my 50 domain license I thought I would upgrade to 100 and I'll bet that is what has caused the problem. But, what can we do now? I would like the 100 domain version.
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 06/05/2014 - 23:33 Comment #2
Howdy -- to upgrade to a 100, you would normally need to purchase an upgrade, in addition to the renewal.
Here's what we can do though --
The Virtualmin 50 to 100 upgrade costs $100.
The Virtualmin 100 renewal that you already purchased was $98.
Since the difference is only $2, we can just pretend that you bought the Virtualmin 50 to 100 upgrade, and I can apply that to your account.
And then, if you go and purchase a Virtualmin 50 renewal (we'll pretend you bought that before you upgraded), I'll go ahead and extend your license by a year.
So all you would need to do now is buy a Virtualmin 50 renewal for $65, and we'll get that all straightened up.
How does that sound?