Automatically create alias domain with nginx not working

Under Server Templates > Virtual Server Creation > Automatically create alias domain, I tried creating a virtual server, but it's not creating the alias domain. Any chance of supporting Nginx?

Closed (fixed)


That should just work - does it shown any error, or does the alias domain just not get created? Or does it get created, but without Nginx enabled?

Hi Jamie,

The alias domain does not get created and there's also no virtual hosts created under Nginx. Below is the example output during creation:

Creating administration group ..
.. done

Creating administration user ..
.. done

Creating aliases for administration user ..
.. done

Adding administration user to groups ..
.. done

Creating home directory ..
.. done

Creating mailbox for administration user ..
.. done

Adding to email domains list ..
.. done

Adding default mail aliases ..
.. done

Creating Nginx virtual host ..
.. done

Starting PHP FastCGI server ..
.. done

Adding webserver user www-data to server's group ..
.. done

Creating MySQL login ..
.. done

Creating MySQL database wptraveler_com ..
.. done

Setting up spam filtering ..
.. done

Setting up virus filtering ..
.. done

Creating Webmin user ..
.. done

Applying Nginx configuration ..
.. done

Re-loading Webmin ..
.. done

Saving server details ..
.. done

Creating alias server ..

Adding to email domains list ..
.. done

Saving server details ..
.. done

Updating Webmin user ..
.. done

Re-loading Webmin ..
.. done

Post-creation command failed : sed: can't read /etc/nginx/sites-available/ No such file or directory

.. done

Installing third-party scripts ..

Installing chumsaipress version 3.9.1 ..
Configuring webserver PHP settings ..
.. already done.

Creating MySQL database wptraveler.com_wp ..
.. done

.. done. WordPress installation complete. It can be accessed at

.. done

Applying Nginx configuration ..
.. done

You can see the "Post-creation command failed : sed: can't read /etc/nginx/sites-available/ No such file or directory" failed because the alias server never gets created.

Do you want root access to take a look?

Ok, I see the bug now - this will be fixed in the next Virtualmin release.

So sorry, I just move on Nginx from Apache. I encountered several troubles for Drupal sites, but the main issue is the creation alias domain that gives "404 Not Found nginx/1.14.2" So this is not exactly the issue reported in the thread because the alias domain is created but it doesn't show up. Also when running sudo certbot --nginx There is :Detail: Invalid response from http://ALIAS-DOMAIN/.well-known/acme-challenge/" Is there an issue ? Thanks ;-)