Auto Whitelist "Clear All" restriction

Hi Guys!

Just got aware of that a domain owners can clear ALL auto whitelists for the whole server/system, not only the users in their domain!!
We just had a user doing that, and when the clearall script had been running for about 30 minutes using 94-98% of the cpu I had to kill the process.

I think the "Remove all auto-whitelist entries for all users on the system." button only should bee available to the root user or to whom the root grant access.

The domain owner should have a "Clear All" button but the "Clear All" should ONLY affect the users in the domain.

Another strange thing is that if I as a domain owner click the "..." button to select user I only see:

I don't see any of the user in my domain?! I have to manually enter the username to manage his whitelist(scorelist). And why are they seeing the listed users anyway?? they don't have access to them so they should not see them.

I have tried to find some settings for the manage whitelist buttons in Virtualmin but i can not find anything that can restrict the use of the system wide clear whitelist button.
If there are some settings in Virtualmin to control this, please let me know where they are.

Leif Blafors

Closed (fixed)