I am using the GLP version of Virtualmin.
I have the the mail relay plugin installed and enabled. In the server template I tried setting it to "not set". But every time I tried creating a server with mail relay enabled in the features I received an error telling me that a server is not set for the mail relay on the plugin page in the template. I thought that having it set to "not set" would allow the server admins to manually set a destination server at a latter time!
Seeing that I could not create a server without having some soft of a domain in the template, I added random domain in the hostname field in the template. Now I was able to create a server with the mail relay feature enable, but when I log in as the server admin and go to "Configure Mail Relaying" I receive the error "Relaying is not set up for this domain".
I can manually add a relay config to the mail server as root, but then I don't need the plugin, right?!! I want to the server admin to be able to configure this.
I have tried removing and then reinstalling the plugin. I have tried disabling it and then enabling it, but I still have the same results as above.