User create error


when i add new email user to server and type special characters (such as ľščťžý) in the "Real name" column, i get this error:

Failed to save mailbox : Failed to add user to LDAP database : cn: value #0 invalid per syntax

It creates the homedir, so when I try again without special characters, virtualmin says:

Failed to save mailbox : Home directory /home/customer/homes/test already exists

Could you please help?

Thank you




Looks like your LDAP server is rejecting the real name - you may want to check the server configuration and schema.

Any hint how?

Out of curiosity, does the directory "/home/customer/homes/test" already exist? You can determine that by running this command:

ls -ld /home/customer/homes/test

Thanks for helping with such trivial thing :) The directory does not exist before error, but does after the error.

So it does not save new user but creates the homedir.

I need help how to diagnose / change settings of LDAP to get Real name working with special chars.

I don't know how to configure OpenLDAP to accept non-ascii characters unfortunately .. and a google search didn't turn anything up.

Are you using only "european" language characters (from iso-8859-1) , or are you using characters from a double-byte language like Chinese, Japanese or Russian?