SMTP Client Restrictions - Can't create new mapping

Hi Joe and Jamie!

I noticed that I no longer have the "New Mapping", Edit Mapping Manually" and "Delete Selected" buttons in SMTP Client Restrictions. I can enter the Check client access map but I don't get the option to create and edit the mapping file. I doesn't show up even if I add the mapping file from the command line.
Our server use versions:
Operating system Redhat Linux Fedora 6
Webmin version 1.430
Virtualmin version 3.61 (Pro)
Kernel and CPU Linux on i686

This did(do) work on our local test-server that runs version:
Operating system Redhat Linux Fedora 6
Webmin version 1.420
Virtualmin version 3.60 (Pro)
Kernel and CPU Linux on i686

I have searched in the forum and bugs but I don't find anything regarding this matter. Is this a bug or is the feature removed from the current version?

Best regards,
Leif Blafors

Closed (fixed)