Database connection failed : DBI connect failed : Access denied for user

As per above, for some reason i am getting access denied for my account.

exec summary:

  • mysql itself is working
  • databases currently connected and are ok.
  • can view and set permissions on databases ok, can even exec sql if needed
  • using the account details locally via ssh works fine (msql -u [account] -p)

What /seems/ to be the issue is that for whatever reason my virtual server cannot talk to a database (even created a new one, then imported it to be managed by my virtual server), it just tells me access denied.

All I am trying to do is install roundcube via installs scripts.

Found in cache ..

Configuring webserver PHP settings .. .. already done. Now installing RoundCube version 0.9.5 .. Database connection failed : DBI connect failed : Access denied for user 'REMOVED'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 1376. .. failed! See the error message above for the reason why.

Is there anyway reset the password it thinks it needs to use?

The virtual server is currently running my forum on it, so I'm cautious about changing passwords and losing database connectivity (although, all i think that will happen is ill loose the ability to manage, long as I don't change my database permissions). But I'm no expert so i don't want to make changes without fully understanding the finite details.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Even if its just to call me an idiot :D

Hope the above makes sense



Howdy -- changing the database password for that particular domain would be a quick and easy way to resolve that.

Alternatively, if you just wanted to update what Virtualmin though was the password, there are a set of files in /etc/webmin/virtual-server/domains/ -- each file represents the domain ID of a given domain on your system.

You can see the domain names assigned to each file by going into that dir, and grepping for the text "dom=".

Once you find that, you can look for the text "mysql_pass", which contains the MySQL password.

Remember though that the Support area here is for folks using Virtualmin Pro -- if you're using Virtualmin GPL, you'd want to ask questions in the Forums. We monitor those, along with lots of wonderful folks in the community. Thanks!

ohhh my apologies, i am using the GPL version. I'm sure i clicked the Viritualmin GPL button :/

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I will give that a shot and if i have any further problems i'll post them on the forum.