Inbox mail file

Hi, just a quick one:

Do you know where the 'Inbox mail file' location comes from when creating a mail user? i.e. the setting that's shown by clicking
Edit Mail and FTP users -> Click on a username -> Email settings.

The location that my system shows is '/var/mail/username' but that's incorrect. Mail is actually stored in /var/home/virtualhostname/homes/username/Maildir, managed by Dovecot.

Webmin -> Servers -> Dovecot has the setting 'Inbox and folders in ~/Maildir', I can't find any other relevant settings in Virtualmin's configuration.

I installed Virtualmin manually as it's going onto an existing rather than a clean server so that could be the reason for the issue, I know you strongly recommend the install script. However all the major mail related stuff does seems to be working (creating accounts, sending, receiving) but still it would be nice to get this issue worked out.

Best regards

Closed (fixed)