Files Created by PHP are owner:apache group:apache - wrong

I just installing Dokuwiki and facing some anomalies. VirtualMin creates new sites with the default permission assigning the admin user virtual server as both owner and group

doki.php rwxr-xr-x wikihinduorg wikihinduorg

but when I make new pages in Dokiwiki I'm getting

wiki_dev.txt rw-r--r-- apache apache

Now, I can't log in via FTP as "wikihinduorg" and change those files from the back end... and I know there will be other issues later. How do I get doku.php (presumably the script that is writing the files) to create them as owner:wikihinduorg group: wikihinduorg

I *can* of course in Doki conf manager have newly created pages set to 777 and the I could access them, but better to have consistency on owner and group across the site or this will bite me later.

I can't launch the new wiki until this is fixed so its a "blocker" for me at the moment

Closed (fixed)