phpMyAdmin requires a MySQL database

I have a old version of phpMyAdmin ( installed on a virtual sever.

When I try to upgrade in Vitualmin I get the below error. Using Database is set as: None

This script cannot be installed, as this virtual server does not meet its requirements : phpMyAdmin requires a MySQL database (google cache might be needed) mentions Virtualmin >> Edit Virtual Server >> Enable features >> Tick the check box “MySql Database Enabled?” but already ticked.



This error can occur if the domain doesn't have mysql enabled at all, in which case there wouldn't be any databases for phpMyAdmin to manage.

Hi Jamie, Thank you for the reply. There is a databases just not under "Edit Databases" I guess not created in Vituralmin so not picking them up. I just created one and worked fine (phpMyAdmin login form not shown in Google Chrome but fine in IE if anyone having this isssue).

mcrypt won't install. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling phpMyAdmin but get the same issue. I am running PHP Running latest 5.3.3-22.el6 .

PHP module mcrypt is recommended .. Installing package php5-mcrypt .. Installing package(s) with command yum -y install php5-mcrypt .. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: Setting up Install Process No package php5-mcrypt available. Error: Nothing to do .. install failed! Installing package php-mcrypt .. Installing package(s) with command yum -y install php-mcrypt ..

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: Setting up Install Process No package php-mcrypt available. Error: Nothing to do .. install failed! Installing package php53-mcrypt .. Installing package(s) with command yum -y install php53-mcrypt ..

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: Setting up Install Process No package php53-mcrypt available. Error: Nothing to do .. install failed! .. failed to install!

The mcrypt package is optional (and not available on all systems), so you should be able to install phpMyAdmin without it...

Install phpMyAdmin without it, and add this to your phpMyAdmin to get rid of the warning:

$cfg['McryptDisableWarning'] = true;

Mcrypt is not needed at all. It just slightly speeds up the logins (which use blowfish encryption), but it's pointless beyond that. You won't notice any speed difference with/without it.