Hi, First of all thanks for such an marvelous product. Not enough words to thank for the effort taken in bringing out and maintaining this (set of) product(s).
I recently installed my first bunch of webmin+Usermin+Virtualmin setup and provided to a client for easy management of their CentOS 6.3 Intranet mail server. There were no installation hiccups or any other problems.
The issue is when their webmail user tries to change their password via Usermin, it does not change and message is "Not a virtualmin user". Please note that the users are Linux user accounts and there is no virtual server installed as yet. plain user1 and user2 etc under Webmin->Users and Groups->new users with UID>501.
I tried to reproduce the error on a VM and it did the same thing. This seems like a bug, since the screen says users can change passwords either PAM or shadow files based, both. We are using PAM based. A screenshot of the message is attached.
I apologize if this is a misconfiguration on my side. But there was nothing found via Google so had to create this request.
Looking forward to a prompt reply.
Thanks and regards Inderjeet S Sodhi
Submitted by swexpert on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 09:35 Comment #1
Hi, Sorry this was an ignorance on my side. Upon re-checking found that the Usermin Module Settings for "change password" had reverted to Use command (the default) setting somehow.
Changed it do "use PAM or passwd command" and it sorted it out the issue.
Thanks! Inderjeet