Need to uninstall Virtualmin on production server

I attempted to install Virtualmin Pro on my Unbuntu 6. production server. Webmin and Usermin were already installed and have been working ok.
I have about 300 websites configured on Webmin.
The Virtualmin script provided on the serial number page ran seemingly without any problems (no errors showed up during the script run).
Webmin now shows only the basic system info on the start page :
System hostname 16631-40345
Operating system Ubuntu Linux 6.06.2
Webmin version 1.410
Time on server 02/Jun/2008 08:50

no bar graphs or any other standard webmin info is displayed now. The webmin nav column is displayed and works.

no visible evidence of virtualmin is available. the virtualmin link that should be displayed above the navigation column on the right is NOT displayed.
I have found virtualmin directorys that were installed when the script was run.

I need help in either uninstalling virtualmin WITHOUT destroying the webmin install or taking the server down.

what are my chances here? what other info do you need?

Closed (fixed)