OK 1 more domain to go... meanwhile we are back tracking on existing domains and as per what we know, the import of HinduismToday.com did *not* bring over the "htde" PostGreSQL dbase... So we are migrating this one separately, tomorrow morning. Now, typically my man will do this all from the terminal... so we will end up with a PostGreSQL dbase on the machine name will be "htde" ... how do we "associate" this dBase with the existing VirtualServer Hinduismtoday.com? I not that while we can view all dBases on the box in WebMin using the Servers list; if we go to a particular domain, and choose "Edit Databases" only those databases which were imported for that domain appear...i.e. the data bases appear as "children" of a parent VirtualServe... so, if we migrate a database "under the hood" how do we re-associate it with a particular virtual server to make it the "parent" of that databas?
Migrating a PostGreSQL Dbase "under" a specific Virtual Server
Submitted by katir on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 21:32 Pro Licensee
Closed (fixed)