Django installer features and bugs

Wow! Thanks for the official Django installer! This is great!

Also: props for setup_python_modules()!

As you requested here are my 2 cents:

* The fcgid setup is pretty cool, but it would be nice to have the installer create an Alias automatically from ~/public_html/lib/python/django/contrib/admin/media to ~/public_html/media. It contains css, js and images and is needed for the admin interface to function properly.

* Is it possible that gets installed in ~/lib rather in ~/public_html/lib so that .bash_profile automatically adds it to $PATH?

* In is a bug in line 76, appending "phpbb" to the database name by default :)

$rv .= &ui_table_row("Django database",
&ui_database_select("db", undef, \@dbs, $d, "phpbb"));

* Combine django.fcgi and, it's redundant to have both. You are setting the PYTHONPATH in again.

* I know it's less supported by all the distros but performs much better than mod_fcid with Python scripts: mod_wsgi. It comes close to mod_php and even supports an automatic code reloader like php files, as well as daemon mode. It's the first choice for Python scripts nowadays,

If you need some configuration examples that I use with Virtualmin setups and Django via mod_wsgi, drop me line.

Closed (fixed)