Centos 6.3 Postfix and Dovecot


I'm just setting up a new web/mail server with Centos 6.3 and VM Pro with Dovecot & Postifx I've been using this same combo (except Centos 5) for a number of years

I've got Dovecot / Postfix configs that have evolved over that time, but I've forgotten why some of the stuff is in there and I feel the need to go thru and review

I dont see much in the VM docs about "advanced" configurations for Dovecot and Postfix to work with Virtualmin, so I wonder if anyone has tips, pointers or links to known good tutorials





Howdy -- it's no problem to make changes to your Postfix and Dovecot configs. We don't have any specific recommendations, as any changes from the defaults depend on your specific circumstances.

But if you've had luck using specific options in the past, it certainly can't hurt to try those on the new Postfix and Dovecot versions.

If you're seeing options and you aren't sure what they do, you can use the following documentation to review those:


[quote]But if you've had luck[/quote]

omg are we down to luck?...

[blues riff]if it werent for bad luck I wouldnt have no luck at all[/blues riff]

yes old configs appear to work on new install. I just thought I oughta check it thru.

ok then rtfm

