Did you get their latest email about this ??
You are getting this email because you activated your Gandi API OT&E
In response to your feedback, we are going to implement new methods on
October 15th that will let you better manage our products. We are also
going to make some changes to current methods, and so we strongly
suggest that you check to be sure that these changes are compatible with
your code.
The new version will be available on September 20th on the OT&E
platform. It will be put into production on October 15th, 2012.
Here are the changes:
1. Obsolete URL of the public API: initially the RPC address of the API
was https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/2.0/. We have changed this to be
directly at https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/. Compatibility with the
first address will be removed.
2. Modification of the signature of the domain.create method: deletion
of the lang_id attribution on the method.
3. Modification of the hosting.disk.create and hosting.disk.create_from
method signatures: the 'repulse_from' attribute of disk_spec no
longer accepts just an integer, but rather, requires an integer list.
4. Modification of the domain.available method signature: a new
parameter in the search options (this field will be documented
List of new available methods:
1. domain.transferin.available(apikey, domains): in order to know if a
domain name can be transferred, this method was available in the V1
API, we have reactivated it.
2. domain.reseller.set(apikey, domain, ): if you are a Gandi reseller,
this method will let you activate the rights on the domains for which
you are only the billing contact.
3. contact.delete: when one of the contacts is not linked to any Gandi
object or product, this method will let you delete it.
4. domain.autorenew.activate and domain.autorenew.deactivate: these
methods allow activating or deactivating the automatic renewal of a
domain name.
The documentation of these new methods will be available online at
http://doc.rpc.gandi.net during the implementation of the OT&E on
September 20, 2012.
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or method requests
in order to improve our API,
Best regards
Nicolas Lhuillery
Product Director
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 18:11 Comment #1
I looked at the Virtualmin gandi code, and I think we are fine already - the new API URL is already being used, and none of the new functions or parameters are used by Virtualmin.
Submitted by sgrayban on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 18:13 Comment #2
Ok just wanted to make sure.