invalid signatures 12.04 lts

I installed virtualmin with a while ago, but I have been getting the following errors. any idea what could be wrong?

W: GPG error: virtualmin-precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG E8DD3FA0A0BDBCF9 Virtualmin, Inc. <>
W: GPG error: virtualmin-universal Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG E8DD3FA0A0BDBCF9 Virtualmin, Inc. <>

I tried

wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -
wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -
sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade

But it didn't help. Maybe something else going on?



Howdy -- I tried this on a few Ubuntu systems, but I'm not able to reproduce the issue that you're seeing.

We also hadn't heard any other reports of that.

When do you see that issue, when running "apt-get update"?

I see the errors after running the upate commands (as root) shown in my first post:

sudo aptitude update


sudo apt-get update

Don't worry about it. It is just a local test machine. If I am the only one, then probably I made mistake somewhere.


root@:~# apt-key adv --check-sigs

shows the following output (looks ok, right?)

Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /tmp/tmp.u11Gc94R9a --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --check-sigs
pub   1024D/A0BDBCF9 2005-07-11
uid                  Virtualmin, Inc. <>
sig!3        A0BDBCF9 2005-07-11  Virtualmin, Inc. <>
sub   2048g/CB9262B0 2005-07-11
sig!         A0BDBCF9 2005-07-11  Virtualmin, Inc. <>

pub   1024D/11F63C51 2002-02-28
uid                  Jamie Cameron <>
sig!3        11F63C51 2002-02-28  Jamie Cameron <>
sub   1024g/1B24BE83 2002-02-28
sig!         11F63C51 2002-02-28  Jamie Cameron <>

Just for posterity, the following fixed the problem

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists

No, idea what caused the problem (and only for virtualmin) in the first place.

Great, I'm glad you figured it out!

I've been doing some digging, and couldn't determine anything that might cause that.

Also, the signatures you pasted in here all looked good.

So I'm not quite sure what happened, but I'm glad it's working now!