FCGId not working after upgrading to PHP 5.3

Hi everyone!

After upgrading from 5.2 to 5.3 PHP script execution mode not working as FCGId (run as virtual server owner) or CGI wrapper (run as virtual server owner) even that in Virtualmin it is set as PCGId :(

PHP now uses the Apache user, so temporarily I had to chmod folders to 755 and files to 644 so the group www-data can write the files.

Any idea how I can fix that problem?

Thanks, Norbert.



Sounds like Apache has reverted to running all php scripts via mod_php.

How did you do the upgrade exactly?

On Ubuntu, that's likely because the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf file contains two "SetHandler" lines.

If you go into System Settings Re-Check Config,it should confirm that.

You can correct it by commenting out the two SetHandler lines and then restart Apache.