Cannot get SugarCRM to install

Hi, I have now tried SuganCRM on 2 centos (latest/fully updated centos & virtualmin) systems and am getting the same type of issues on both:-

I have checked the MYSQL password and made sure it is as the domain user PW and no change.

Configuring webserver PHP settings .. .. done

Applying web server configuration .. .. done

Now installing SugarCRM version 6.4.4 ..

Database connection failed : DBI connect failed : Access denied for user 'cermatco'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 1360.

.. failed! See the error message above for the reason why.

Re-loading Webmin .. .. done

Applying web server configuration .. .. done

Any clues, as it is doing my and my customers heads in.




Do you get a similar error if you try to install another script into the same domain, such as Drupal or Joomla?

Hi Jamie

Same issue, I even tried setting a new password and no difference. Any other clues?


I just noticed that it actually created the database, just cannot add and fields/data to it.


And trying the same on other domains on the same server also causes the same issue/error with most packages.

Regards Denis

Can you connect to MySQL as the domain user from the command line on the system?

The command for this would be like :

mysql -u cermatco -pXXX YYY

replace XXX with the user's password, and YYY with the database name. If this fails, the issue may be that MySQL user/IP permissions aren't allowing connections from localhost.

Hi Jamie

mysql -u cermatco -pxxxxxxxx cermatco_egroupware ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'cermatco'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Regards Denis

Perhaps that domain's MySQL password is out of sync with what Virtualmin expects.

Try selecting the domain from the left menu, then going to Edit Databases -> Passwords, and changing the password to something different. Then change it back again to the original password.

Hi Jamie

That worked and was able to connect to the database from the command line, I was then able to do the basic install but when I use the link to do the final SugarCRM install/config I get the error:- Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.

Thu May 31 00:00:04 2012 [17469][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Thu May 31 00:00:04 2012 [17469][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system settin gs Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tab le 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist Thu May 31 00:01:01 2012 [17471][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Thu May 31 00:01:01 2012 [17471][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system settin gs Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tab le 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist Thu May 31 00:02:02 2012 [17470][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Thu May 31 00:02:02 2012 [17470][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system settin gs Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tab le 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist

Is the contents of the log file.

I also tried to connect to the sugarcrm db and the results are below:-

[root@sue sugarcrm]# mysql -u cermatco -pxxxxxxxxxx cermatco_sugarcrm Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 126539 Server version: 5.0.95 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Also when I started this I noticed that the license for the 100 user virtualmin system had expired and purchased a new one, but as yet the server is not picking this new license up.

Regards Denis

You might be seeing the leftovers of a partial SugarCRM install. Try un-installing, deleting all tables from the cermatco_sugarcrm database, and then re-installing.

BTW, I have applied your licence extension.

Thanks for doing the licence extension.

I have tried un-installing the old sugarcrm installs, checking that the database was actually deleted and trying the install again a few times.

But even when I do the uninstall, double check that the db has been deleted and do the install again I get Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details. when I use the link, I can then check the DB is valid by:-

[root@sue ~]# mysql -u cermatco -pxxxxxxxxxx cermatco_sugarcrm Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 132477 Server version: 5.0.95 Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Which all looks OK ?

and the sugarcrm.log shows:-

Fri Jun 1 03:27:01 2012 [2107][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, s ymbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:27:01 2012 [2107][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system setting s Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tabl e 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:28:01 2012 [2108][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, s ymbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:28:01 2012 [2108][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system setting s Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tabl e 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:29:01 2012 [2105][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, s ymbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:29:01 2012 [2105][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system setting s Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tabl e 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:30:02 2012 [2106][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id, name, s ymbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'cermatco_sugarcrm.currencies' doesn't exist Fri Jun 1 03:30:02 2012 [2106][-none-][FATAL] Unable to retrieve system setting s Query Failed: SELECT category, name, value FROM config: MySQL error 1146: Tabl e 'cermatco_sugarcrm.config' doesn't exist

Regards Denis

If you access that cermatco_sugarcrm database, what tables DO exist?

When I go into the database section of the domain config, I get "This database has no tables"

Would it be easier for you to find the issue if I gave you access to the system ?


Sure, remote access would make this much easier to debug ..

Hi Jamie

Can you please send me details on how best to do that.


You can email me your system's IP address and root password for SSH at .

Also let me know which domain and directory you want SugarCRM installed into..