Remove services client

Hi - I've been on the beta test for the services client, and I've more or less decided that it isn't really well-behaved enough for me to use.

But I have it set up on a VPS and I really want to remove it and stop using it. However, I don't see any straightforward way to do so ---

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Closed (fixed)


You can't really remove the Cloudmin Services client, as it is part of Virtualmin ... or do you mean you want to remove the Cloudmin Services server?

Remove was probably the wrong word ---

What I guess I'm asking is, if you've set up the virtual services client on a VPS, how can you later turn it off???

You can go to System Settings -> Cloudmin Services client, clear out the "Cloudmin services master" field and click "Save".

Just another comment on this --- I know it's an ancient issue, but I've managed to get one of my servers into this state (I accidentally cloned from an image that had Cloudmin Services turned on, then migrated some sites to it, and now I'm having all sorts of problems -- can't do backups, etc. and want to turn the services client off on the VPS). Problem is that if you clear out the master name on the VPS, it won't work saying

Failed to save Cloudmin services settings : Missing or invalid services host

I'd really like to get this turned off - it's not USING any services, but it keeps trying to look for them for the existing domains, so it cannot, for example, do database backups.

Have you tried un-checking all the provisioning features on the "Cloudmin Services Client" page as well as clearing out the provisioning hostname?

Yes -- that results in

Checking login to services host .. .. check failed : Failed to lookup IP address for

I've tried just about every combination of things I can think of --- the server isn't USING anything from the services host -- but you can't turn it off.

Hi Jamie

Any chance of at least some sort of work-around on this? It's sort of causing me some issues and I'd hate to have to just rebuild that VPS for this. If I have to I will just do that, but I think it would be really nice to just be able to shut this off.

The work-around is to edit /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config and remove all lines starting with provision_

Well, I'd tried that this morning, but it still doesn't fix my main problem, which is that it's still making backups fail on the VPS ---

I removed all the provsion lines, restarted webmin, and it still fails when trying to run backups saying

Backup failed : Failed to lookup IP address for

This is the main problem I have --- the server which had this configured initially will not ever back up any more ---

Backup is somehow still trying to do something or another with the provisioning server -

You may also have to delete all provision_ lines from all files in /etc/webmin/virtual-server/domains

Yeah, that's the ticket -- that's looking much better.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart!!