Roundcube not support virtualmin change password function


I follow the roundcube/plugins/password README file to change the setting and drivers chgvirtualminpasswd remind setting

/* INSTALLING: gcc -o chgvirtualminpasswd chgvirtualminpasswd.c chown root.apache chgvirtualminpasswd strip chgvirtualminpasswd chmod 4550 chgvirtualminpasswd */

but when roundcube change the password it come out the error "Could not save new password."

log file sh: /home/lblgh/public_html/roundcube/plugins/password/drivers/chgvirtualminpasswd: Permission denied

when change chmod 777 chgvirtualminpasswd, also get a some problems may I know got other thing need to change it? I install it by new function install script.



Howdy -- well, we're not familiar with that particular plugin, that's a RoundCube related question.

However, there is a recent forum thread in the Virtualmin forums where some folks were working on getting that plugin up and running. My suggestion would be to post your question there -- and they might be able to give you a hand: