Unable to migrate website to new domain name

A customer of ours bought a new domain and would like that to be their primary domain. We tried to migrate the info from their original site to the new domain, but it did not work correctly.

We also tried to clone the server, but this failed as well.

Are there any other options as to how we can migrate the website?



Howdy -- there isn't a simple, one-step way of making a Sub-Server into a top-level server for an existing account.

The only way to do that would be to do the following:

  • Go into Server Configuration -> Move Virtual Server for the domain that should be the primary domain

  • Convert that domain to a primary domain, setting a new username and password

  • Go into Server Configuration -> Move Virtual Server for the domain that previously was the primary domain

  • Convert that domain to a child of your new primary domain

In doing all that, the user will have a new username and password. There isn't another way to swap a top-level Virtual Server and a Sub-Server though.