system goes offline randomly

I've tried reinstalling and this only occurs with cloudmin installed. if i do NOT install cloudmin i can run the server for days without an issue. The instant i install cloudmin all interfaces start going offline then coming back online randomly. Even when the itnerfaces are online webmin randomly stops responding as well.

i've re-run the cloudmin setup scrpt for ubuntu kvm as well after attempting a removal simply because the system says none of the packages are installed..

Closed (fixed)


Could you give more details? Do you mean that the system doesn't respond to pings from elsewhere on your network, or something else?

the interface shuts off..i have to manually use ifconfig etho up. I've had to keep it alive by keeping a constant ping going.

i'm not a fan of ubuntu appears to be going to head to debian and see if that works. if not then i'll call Dell as it's hardware..:)

Sounds like a good idea. I have no idea how eth0 could be going down like that ... it certainly isn't anything Cloudmin or Webmin would do without your explicit action.