Installation of VM-Pro Fails

After using the GPL version for around a year I thought I would support the pro version and give it a try. My system is a CentOS5 but I have upgraded mysql so the installer fails with the messages below. I need to maintain consistent versions of mysql on all servers so I need to disable the installation of mysql, or some other way to get the installer to complete.


Transaction Check Error:
file /usr/share/man/man1/mysql_config.1.gz from install of mysql-server-5.0.22- conflicts with file from package MySQL-devel-community-5.0.45-0.rhel5
file /usr/bin/mysqltestmanager from install of mysql-server-5.0.22- conflicts with file from package MySQL-test-community-5.0.45-0.rhel5
file /usr/bin/mysqltestmanager-pwgen from install of mysql-server-5.0.22- conflicts with file from package MySQL-test-community-5.0.45-0.rhel5
file /usr/bin/mysqltestmanagerc from install of mysql-server-5.0.22- conflicts with file from package MySQL-test-community-5.0.45-0.rhel5
file /usr/bin/mysql_config from install of mysql-5.0.22- conflicts with file from package MySQL-devel-community-5.0.45-0.rhel5

Closed (fixed)