I have read as many of the issues and forum posts as I can handle on the topic of sub-servers and DNS. However, I can't find a solution to my problem.
I have a domain (baaso.org.uk) which is resolving correctly.
I have created a domain (joining.baaso.org.uk) as a sub-server. I modified the sub-server template file (setting the Bind configuration so that the sub-domain record is created in the parent servers DNS file) prior to creating the sub-server.
However, when I try to visit joining.baaso.org.uk, I get an error message saying that the domain could not be found.
I have attached the DNS record created, in the hope that you might be able to tell me what's missing.
I have also attached the DNS record from my domain host (as there may be something missing there?).
I hope you can help, as I've got a client site that isn't available at the moment.
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 17:36 Comment #1
Howdy -- it looks like the nameservers for the domain "baaso.org.uk" are the following:
At first glance, those 3 nameservers appear to be located at a third party, rather than being hosted on your server.
If that's indeed the case -- that's fine, but any domain (or sub-domain) you setup on your server would need to be manually added to those nameservers.
Alternatively, if you wish for your nameservers to be hosted on your own server, you can read about how to do that here in the section "How do I setup nameservers for my server?":
However, the Support Tracker here is for Virtualmin Pro customers... it looks like you're using Virtualmin GPL. If you have additional questions, we'd suggest opening up a new forum topic. We do monitor the forums, along with lots of wonderful folks who regularly help out there.
Submitted by gmak on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 17:54 Pro Licensee Comment #2
Thanks for the quick reply.
If I want to add my sub-domain to the nameservers with my domain host, what sort of records to I need to add? CNAME? A? NS?
Thanks for your help!
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 18:01 Comment #3
You can add a sub-domain the same way you add the primary domain.
So, whatever records you added for your primary domain -- you can use those same type of records for adding a sub-domain.