Add SSH options for managed systems?

Hi, some of my hosts don't have a fixed IP address, thus I need "CheckHostIP no" in my SSH config for that host. Is there a way to (manually?) add that to a cloudmin host definition?

Closed (fixed)


A simpler option would be to edit /root/.ssh/config on the cloudmin master system, and add the block :

Host *
  CheckHostIP no

I've tried it, not sure yet if it's being picked up. Instead of Host * I added separate stanzas for the two hosts which need the options. Now my /root/.ssh/config reads:

Host first.dynamic.hostname
  CheckHostIP no

Host descond.dynamic.hostname
  CheckHostIP no

Couldn't cloudmin manage that file easily? Like having an "add ssh options" preference pane on the edit system page?

Actually Webmin has a module for that already - from the Cloudmin left panel, just go to Webmin -> Servers -> SSH Server -> Client Host Options.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.