cloudmin not able to detect bridge

My bridge is br1 <=> eth1. But cloudmin still looks for eth0 (which is used for something else) and throws an error. only eth1 is active. Should cloudmin be able to detect this?

Closed (fixed)


Do you have a br0 bridge? Cloudmin will use that by default, unless you select another bridge at Host Systems -> KVM Host Systems -> your host.

Ok, understand. I named the bridge br1 because of eth1. Of course I could name it br0 next time. I thought cloudmin would detect the only bridge automatically.

Actually if your only bridge is br1, cloudmin should detect that ..

What does the command brctl show output on your system?

bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
br1             8000.00349017e97a       no              tap0

PS did you see my other ticket regarding memory allocation (it disappeared from the issue list)?

Ok, that looks fine - br1 should be used automatically.

Back to the initial bug - what was the error you got from Cloudmin exactly?

I think the message was no interface eth0 active or so.

Would it be posible for you to re-produce the problem and capture the exact error? That will help us track down the underlying cause ..

Is it possible to reprocude this without a reinstall? I tried to rerun the GPL script, but that didn't work.

That depends .. when exactly did you see this error message?

Also, did you already have br1 bridge created before running the install script?

Yes, I did create the bridge before installing. Next time I will post the log here (will probably reinstall again when 5.6 is released).

Ok, I see the issue now .. the installer isn't handling the case where a bridge is already setup, but it is not br0. I will fix this in the next Cloudmin release.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.