Hello Joe and Crew,
Until DNS propagation is finished, I edit the hosts file on my windows XP box to point to the virtualmin box to edit the site and make sure it works.
These are the hosts file entries on the windowsXP dev box at my office: centralnychurch.org www.centralnychurch.org
I've done this technique several times before and not had any problems. This is the first time there has been an issue with this - which lends me to believe that there could be an issue with the Virtualmin config that I have.
What happens is that the centralnychurch.org site points to the admin.upsidedown21.org website. (I'm trying to run http://www.centralnychurch.org/wp-admin/upgrade.php).
The rest of the sites on the server are apparently working just fine. Apache NameVirtualServer directive is IP based and some sites have the Port set to "Any" and some have it set to "80" - does this matter?
Please advise.
-Jeremy Ciaramella