Debian 6.0 quota usage


The quota seems broken in Debian 6.0 after upgrade. It only reports the quota used in databases, not in the home directory.

Home disk space used (including sub-servers) 0 bytes (760.54 MB by server administrator, 0 bytes by mail / FTP users) Space used by databases 42.61 MB (42.61 MB in this server, 0 bytes in sub-servers) Total disk space used 42.61 MB

If you want me to run some commands, please ask.


Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- if you go into System Settings -> Limits and Validation -> Check Disk Quotas, and run "Check now", does that update the quotas on your server?

Also, what output do you receive if you run the command "mount"?

Also, if you go to Webmin -> System -> Disk Quotas and click on whatever filesystem contains /home , does it show quotas for users or groups correctly?


I got the message "Too many groups have quotas on / to display on one page". I tried with "Check quotas" and still the same.


I've inscrease the limit of users and It looks fine there. I'm attaching a screenshot of an example.

That looks OK to me. Does the group list also look correct?

Also, if you click on a username are his quotas and usage also shown correctly?

By the way, is your system running on a Linode VPS? Some other users reported problems like this due to a problem in Linode's Debian 6 image..

The screenshot I put here, is a record of the Group list tab. I don't have any Users list tab there.. If I click on the account, it shows correctly. Only in system information it isn't counting correctly even after the run.

I've a dedicated server, so it isn't the same problem of linode.

If you go to Edit Mail and FTP Users and click on a mailbox (other than the domain owner), are his quotas and usage shown correctly in the "Quota and home directory settings" section?


I only have FTP, not mail in the server. The "Quota used" in Edit FTP servers shows correctly.

Ok, so it is sort-of working.

Could you attach the output from the following commands to this bug :

repquota -v -g /
repquota -v -u /

Ok, I'll send them to your e-mail, because I don't want to expose my accounts.

Ok, I found the problem! It is a Webmin bug that triggers due to changes in the quota command output on Debian 6.

I have patched this on your system, and will include a fix in Webmin 1.534 and later.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.