
Lock, unlock or rename the MySQL login on some system.

This command changes a login that was previously created by provision-mysql-login. The required parameters are --user followed by a username, and --host followed by the host it was created on. If run from the command line or remotely by root the --owner flag must also be given, followed by the name of a system owner who is allowed to provision databases.

To lock an existing user, use the --lock flag. To remove the lock, use the --unlock flag. To change a MySQL user's name,
use the --new-user flag followed by a username.

To modify the list of databases a user is allowed to access, use the --database flag followed by a DB name. This must be given multiple times to grant access to more than one database.

Example usage

  cloudmin modify-mysql-login --owner kvmprovision --host lentor.home --user bob.kvmprovision --pass smeg
  OK: host=lentor.home

Command Line Help

cloudmin modify-mysql-login --user name
                            --host name
                           [--owner name]
                           [--lock | --unlock]
                           [--new-user name]
                           [--new-pass password |
                            --new-encpass string]
                           [--database name]+
                           [--host ip]*