Missing file(s) from new install

Not sure how, ran the normal webmin professional installer. My new dedicated server provider went out of business apparently, so, had to load onto a new machine. So, I ran the normal install, restored the virtualmin backups, webmin backup, and, I am missing files somehow, no idea how this could be from that process.

So, I am getting an error:

/bin/sh: /etc/webmin/virtual-server/spamtrap.pl: No such file or directory

In an email from the spamtrap learnjob I suppose. Sure enough, no such file. How?

If I do a ls -l | wc -l on the old and new machine /etc/webmin/virtual-server directory to count files, old machine has 73 files, new one has 65 files.

Some might make sense like quotas files are missing, not sure, some sort of error during install on a VPS that it couldn't enable them which may well be true on a VPS but I don't care about that.

Any suggestion as to how to properly recover short of copying the file from backup, etc.? I'd hate to be missing more key files!

Also, the directory /var/virtualmin-traps does not exist. Yet, one domain has aliases to that directory for spam and ham.

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- the files and dirs your talking about are normally created the first time those features are enabled in Virtualmin. So it sounds like Virtualmin may not be copying those files out when importing those features from a backup.

That's something Jamie can correct!

However, to get things up and running ASAP -- all you'd need to do is go into Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery for one of your Virtual Servers, then disable and re-enable the "Create spamtrap and hamtrap email aliases?" option, which should copy out the appropriate files and dirs/

Yep, that did indeed work. So, I leave open as a bug report.

I did some testing with restoring backups on systems without spamtrap.pl , and wasn't able to re-produce this issue.

I presume that when you did the restore, no features were de-selected for restoring?

I am sure something was de-selected (webmin backup), couldn't tell you what since it was a special process moving to a VPS. For virtualmin, I restored except for DNS, and web and SSL web. But that something was NOT email since all the email was there.

I will need to do some more testing then, but with Virtualmin 3.83 I was unable to trigger this same problem during tests. The only case where I can see it happening is if you restored the spam feature for the domain, but not mail ..