Howdy, I am desperate after trying all what I could to de-activate quotas on my system... Before attempting it on my FreeBSD 7.0 that has VM Pro, I tried on my FreeBSD 8.1 with VM GPL to activate quotas... I quickly regretted it and started to cancel everything concerning it : - In Webmin, Disk & Network Filesystems I REVERTED User quotas at boot to NO and same for Groups - In Servers, VM, Module Config, Servers settings, I tried both YES and NO on Set quotas for domain and mail users? to no avail - In VM, System Settings, Servers Template, Admin user, Disk quotas type is set to SOFT and in Mail for domain, Default quota for mail users is set to Unlimited - in Default Plan, Quota for entire server is unlimited and same for Quota for server administrator user
Now, whenever I try to create a new Virtual Server it fails with the following message : failed to create virtual server : quota command "server name" 0 0 not found My /etc/fstab doesn't indicate any active quotas, and yes I did reboot after I had activated and disactivated the quotas... but it looks like my system correctly doesn't accept why is VM stil trying to enforce one ?
Thank you very much for your prompt answer as this is blocking a whole chain of operations... Sincerely, Yehuda
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 14:04 Comment #1
Sounds like you might have enabled the user of custom commands for quota management.
Go to System Settings -> Virtualmin Configuration -> Quota commands , and make sure "Use external commands to get and set quotas?" is set to "No".
Submitted by yguzzi on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 15:48 Comment #2
Jamie, again : you're a genius ! That solved it...thank you SO much... Now, since we are in communication... how much would it cost me to extend my licence to this second server ? Cheers,
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 15:52 Comment #3
Each server that you run virtualmin on for serving production websites needs a separate licence, so you would need to purchase another from
If this second server is just for testing, you can use your current licence on it..
Submitted by yguzzi on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 16:26 Comment #4
ok thanks, I'll use it a week or so for testing and then I'll be glad to add one licence. Keep the good work... any news on the side of an e-commerce extension for hosters ? Cheers Yehudah
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 12/15/2010 - 16:30 Comment #5
Cool ..
What do you mean by an e-commerce extension? There is a WHMCS module for virtualmin, which lets hosters do billing and provisioning..
Submitted by Issues on Wed, 12/29/2010 - 17:50 Comment #6
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.