backup without Maildirs


We have some customer request about this stuff, so i post it here too. So customers want backup their website, but do not want backup their mailboxes, and we couldn't found any solution for them in the virtualmin interface.

Generally this type of users has got small website (10-20Mb) and huge mail area (1-3Gb) so they run out from space if they backup the whole stuff dialy.

thanks Lawrence

Closed (fixed)


Hmm, there's a box "Files to exclude from each domain" in the Backup Virtual Servers function. According to the documentation, it should be possible to enter a path there:

This field allows you to enter the relative paths to files under each virtual server's home directory to exclude from this backup. For example, to skip Webalizer statistics, you could enter public_html/stats.

So maybe entering Maildir there can accomplish what you need? Though this would only apply to the mailbox of the server owner. To exclude the additional mailbox users, you could exclude homes, or explicitly add the path to the homes mailboxes for each user. I'm not sure if you can use wildcard characters in those paths.

You could enter homes to include all the home directories of mailbox users.

yup it's looks like a solution, but a checkbox can be better :)

thanks anyway