Can't create VPS and some servers say webmin down.

This is a continuation for ticket: 12384.

Make fast RPC calls are already set to yes.

Closed (fixed)


Is there any possibility that we could remotely login to your Cloudmin master system to see what is going wrong here? It may be either a networking issue, or slow response from the host system ..

Hello Jamie,

Thats a possibility - how do we get access information to you securely?


If you have GPG, you could email me root SSH login credentials at . My key can be found in

Alternately, you could add my SSH public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys .. it is :

ssh-dss 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 dsa-key-20031024

Ok its been added to the cloudmin add public key

server is

You can message me on AIM octjlarsen


Sorry, but the login didn't work.

Did you add the key all on one like in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the master system?

Works, thanks!

Looking into the issue now ..

I was looking at the system , and it appears that TCP ports 10001 and up are still blocked on its firewall. You can test this by running :

telnet 10001

unless it reports "connection refused" right away, the port is blocked.

I can verify this by running iptables -L on the remote host, which shows that only port 10000 is open.

Ok ports are open on 66. The server I was focusing on was which i tested the ports already.

I am using apf for firewall management.

Are you sure? I can't even connect to port 10000 on now .. or ports 10001+

Ok try it now. I had done it wrong. I used 1000-10100, but should be 10000_10100

Looks like the status is refreshing just fine now ..

For 66... Did you change something as well on the cloudmin server? still shows down - I've made the same adjustments to the firewall.

Also what about this other problem "No usable host systems are available!" when trying to create new VPS?



Helo Jamie,

Everything seems to be working now.

What did you do? Do you have root cause? It was all working in the beginning but then it stopped. Is it due to webmin updates?


I didn't actually do anything .. apart from killing a huge number of Webmin fastrpc.cgi processes on that were consuming all its memory, and thus preventing new Xen instances from being created. It looks like there were left hanging due to the port 10000+ issue..

Ok.. Im so new to cloudmin...

I appreciate your help!

That's OK ... glad to help!

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.