Hi, I'm wanting to use a CMS called Concrete5 (http://www.concrete5.org). Upon setting up the config for the software, it runs some tests to identify potential problems with running. When these tests ran, I got the following feedback: "The config/, packages/ and files/ directories must be writable by your web server."
Forums on the concrete5 site provided me with the following info for addressing this issue:
/files/ and all items within (both files and directories) should be set to be readable and writable by the web server. That can be accomplished in the following ways, from best to worst:
- If your server supports running as suexec/phpsuexec, the files should be owned by your user account, and set as 755 on all of them. That means that your web server process can do anything it likes to them, but nothing else can (although everyone can view them, which is expected.)
- If 1 isn't possible, another good option is to set the apache user (either "apache" or "nobody") as having full rights to these files
- If neither 1 or 2 are possible, chmod 777 to files/ and all items within (e.g. chmod -R 777 file/*)
This must include the cache_objects directory, or you're going to get all kinds of strange behavior with your site.
My question to you, is the first (and most preferable) option available through virtualmin, and if so, what is the simplest way to accomplish this option.
Thanks for your help.
- john.
Submitted by andreychek on Sat, 09/18/2010 - 16:47 Comment #1
This appears to be a duplicate of this request: