Hi 1st wanted to say that I love virtual min. I have been using plesk for a while even thought I bought Virtualmin some time ago. Switched over yesterday . Very nice.. :)
So my questions and there are just a few:
I use a program called Centovacast
I wanted to ask if I could hire and pay your company to build me a custom plugin that would install Centovacast on to my server running debian 5 - Lenny ?
is there any possible way to do this. I would be happy to pay your company to do this, if you can not do this is there someone that you could recommend me to contact that might be able to do this?
I wanted to ask if it is possible to reskin Virtualmin, as well as move the links on the side bars to different positions?
a) if I did reskin virtualmin and move the links, would it effect the links and skin when i update virtualmin to a newer version?
b) if i reskined virtualmin, but did not move the links would it affect the skin i did when i update to a new version of virtualmin?
Then can I pay your company to do that or can you refer me to someone who might be able to?
Thank you very much for taking the time to help/answer my questions
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 21:53 Comment #1
So are you looking for a way to install Centovacast on multiple systems, or would this be a one-off install? If it is multiple, then a virtualmin script installer would be a good way of implementing this .. perhaps.
Regards reskinning, it is possible to completely change the look and layout of Virtualmin, but the bigger the change the more complex it gets. If you do it properly, new versions of Virtualmin would still work fine with your skin, including new links.
Submitted by mojolive on Thu, 08/05/2010 - 03:27 Comment #2
Hi, Thank you for taking the time to answer me! Ok.. so the next question.. and i think the most important one for me, Can your company write a script for me, to install Centovacast? I would pay , I have a good budget. If your company can not do it, do you think you could give me a few names and ways to contact someone who could do it?
Thanks so much I really need to get this done. I am so tired to always install Centovacast by hand.. haha.
Then about the skin, same question, can your company do it for me, Paid of course?
and if not, could you maybe help me get in contact with someone who could? ( but this is the least important.. the Centovacast is by far more important! )
Thank you again for taking the time to help , Great to buy something and actually get support. That is why I am not using plesk anymore.. NO SUPPORT.. :) and some other issues Have a nice day! John
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 08/05/2010 - 10:15 Comment #3
We could certainly do the installer for a fee ..
However, is Centovacast a free product, or does it have to be paid for? If it is paid-for, automated installation using Virtualmin could be tricky, as the installer wouldn't be able to just download the file.
Submitted by mojolive on Thu, 08/05/2010 - 10:37 Comment #4
Hi, Great news.. Ok, so centovacast not free, but i bought so I just login to there site and download it.
but the script could use my user and password login.
here is the place I download it from :
now when I have logged in one time with safari, as log as I do not log out from the site safari will download it.
I tried not logging in with firefox, and pasting the link in to the web browser, and it took me to the homepage login.. but then when i logged in.. it download it ( asked me to save it first)
ok please tell me how we can fix this. and what i need to do, and how long it will take to do it and of course the money ! :) ??
Last question, I am using a wordpress website. I do not think it will change in the near future, is there anyway to write a script that when i install word press it will also install my site at the correct address?
and would you guys like to do something like that for me as well.?
Sorry for all the question, I just need someone to do some work for me, and am happy to pay, but no one seems to want to take my money . so I am happy you guys want to work. :)
Please let me now everything and lets get started.. thank you again for your time.. John
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 08/06/2010 - 23:53 Comment #5
Sorry, but upon further consideration I don't think we'd have time to work on this kind of custom feature ..
I'm sure there are other developers out there who could do it though. Perhaps on elance or some similar site?