Reinstalled CentOS 5.5

Alright, I really like the Virtualmin software, and I can't figure out how to get it to install on Fedora, so I am giving it one more chance. I have just finished the CentOS install, and it is now installing the Virtualmin software. So I hope everything works this time.


Closed (fixed)


If you run into any problems, I would be happy to SSH in myself and tryning the install. I would need remote root SSH access to your system though.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Mon, 07/12/2010 - 03:45 Pro Licensee

Yes, if you run into any problems on CentOS, let us know about them. It's extremely well-tested and understood by all of us (it's used by about 85% of Virtualmin users, so we see it a lot), so any problems you see (if any) are going to be easy to fix.

Thanks Joe. Well I did run in to a problem on the install, it gave me a error on trying to find "Fastest Server: thing. but it didn't really give me any kind of error in the log. So I tried it again, and the second time in install with only a warning on the "ClamAV" But it looked like it all worked. I did the update for PHP5.2 that Jamie pointed me to. and that went well.

Now I do have a problem, and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. I have 4 Static IP's going to this server, and I have 4 sites I would like to set up at this time. So I set up 3 Virtual Servers in Virtualmin using a Static IP for each site. It looked like it did everything as far as set up , but I am unable to log in to 2 of the sites on the web, both say I don't have permission to use this server. The 3 one I can log in on the web with out a problem, But I can't connect to any of them with FTP. It will log in, but when it try's to get a Directory listing it times out.

I would love to let you SSH in, just to see if I did it all right, but not sure how to set that up for you. Any help here would be great. My sites have been up and down now for 2 week, and I need to get this fixed ASAP.


I ran the script to install phpmyadmin on 2 of the sites. it installed fine on both, but I can only access one of them, but not the one I can access the web page. So I have 3 Virtual Servers set up, with FTP access for all 3. and Web pages enables. 1 site I can log in on the web. all 3 sites will log in with FTP, but I get a time out error on directory listing. and 1 I can access the phpmyadmin, but not the web page.


another update:

I think I may have figured out the problem. I checked my Firewall settings, enabled all ports that I was using, and now I can upload with FTP. will try the rest as soon as this site finishes.

One more edit

OK I have all the FTP connections working, I now have 3 of my web sites up.. I have installed phpmyadmin on all 3 Virtual Servers., and I can connect to them. But it says I have no Privileges, so I can't add a new database., I get this on the 2 sites I set up phpmyadmin. I can't find the setting to change this.

You know if you guys ignore long enough, I will have this all figured out.

Regards Michael