Hey Jamie,
I've had a user request expiration of accounts...this sort of crosses the line into a billing feature, but nonetheless I can see it being useful in small commercial hosting environments where they don't use a billing system. We've had people ask for billing a lot over the years, and I've fought it tooth and nail because it's such a huge problem set, but this one seems like a nice way to dip our toe in without making too many waves or disrupting other development.
That said, I wouldn't want to see it cluttering up the UI (we've already got too much stuff in there), but if it could be done as an optional module, and without a huge amount of work, it might be worth doing. Or, I suppose I wouldn't hate it if it were a configurable option in Module Config.
Oh, and it would need to notify the admin and the user of impending expiration via email, so that's yet more options...yeah, I think I'd rather see it be its own module.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 07/03/2010 - 17:42 Comment #2
Hey Joe,
Sure, that sounds reasonable. Just to clarify, I assume they are looking for a way to set an expiry date on domain owner logins, after which point the domain would be disabled? Or the login would just be blocked, but the domain would continue to serve?
This could certainly be implemented as a plugin..
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 05:52 Comment #3
Ok, I have just checked in the code for this plugin.
Submitted by Issues on Sun, 07/25/2010 - 14:18 Comment #4
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