Changing a username in 'Mail and FTP Users' remove access to database.

Changing a username in Mail and FTP Users remove access to database.

Steps to reproduce issue.

*Navigate to Virtualmin > Edit Mail and FTP Users

*Under the column Name click on any name link. The page Edit FTP User will open.

*Change the Email address field to anything else.

*Under the Other user permissions section ensure that this user already have access to a database. Do not add or remove any database access. Leave this setting as is.

*Click on Save button.

*Under the column Name click on the name link you just edited. Expand the Other user permissions section. Notice that the database access has been removed. This is the issue. Expected result is to only change the username and keep all other settings as is.

If this expected result is not possible then could you add a note on the screen at Virtualmin >Edit Mail and FTP Users? This note could read something like

Email address ________ (IMAP/FTP login username.example) (Note that changing this email address will remove all database access(es) if any.)

I'm using Virtualmin 3.78 and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server.

Closed (fixed)


Thanks for pointing this out - this is indeed a bug, which I will fix in the 3.79 release of Virtualmin.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.