Procmail/SpamAssassin problems.


I think there is some problem with SpamAssasin.
I dont know it's priority or it's severity.

As default in "Configurable options for Virtualmin Virtual Servers (Spam filtering options)" i use:
Default delivery for spam - Spam Maildir folder
Allow mailbox users to configure procmail - No
Full path to clamscan command - clamscan
Default delivery for viruses - Delete
Default spam whitelist option - Disabled

If I then as root or domain admin open "Server Configuration" and "Spam and Virus Delivery" the defalt is:
Destination for spam emails - Deliver normally
Destination for virus emails - Throw away
Always allow mail from mailboxes in domain? - No
SpamAssassin client program - Spamassassin (standalone program)
Automatically delete spam? - Yes, if older than 10 days

If I here try to change "Destination for spam emails" to "Trow away", it doesen't change, but adds one line to procmailrc each time I do this.
This line gets added every time:
Append to file /dev/null Match regexp ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

And there are some other issues to, but I'll get back to you on those.

Closed (fixed)