Submitted by webinger on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 13:52
in website options I have
Default website for IP address? Yes
on one domain. That was turned on automatically when importing files from an old server.
But what if I want to use the http://IP/ instead for something else? Could that be turned off? Does that switch only put a 0- in front of the filename of the specific domain?
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 13:58 Comment #1
Howdy -- every server with Apache running has a default website associated with it. All that means is that it's the first VirtualHost section defined in the Apache config.
So, any website you have can be the default -- all that means is that it shows up first in the config. You can simply switch it to another. If you want to setup your IP address as it's own website -- I believe you can just add that as a Virtual Server, then mark it as the default.
Submitted by webinger on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 14:39 Comment #2
hmm or i put a 00 in front of /sites/available/default