Submitted by on Sat, 04/10/2010 - 08:26
hi in the past i'v been using virtualmin GPL, now i'm trying to convert to virtualmin Pro
my company has several names (different countries) i'll name them and with virtualmin GPL it was ver easy, if a new employee came, i just created an email address and automatically he also had and mike
now with virtualmin Pro this is impossible because of the Mailbox prefix which is mandatory is there a way to remove this prefix ?
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 04/10/2010 - 09:17 Comment #1
Yes, you can have Virtualmin not add the prefix at System Settings -> Module Config -> Defaults for new domains -> Include domain name in usernames? (select "Only to avoid a clash").
Alternately, if you want the extra domains to show the same web content as the main domain, you can create them as Alias domains, in which case all email to the alias will get forwarded to the same mailbox in the real domain.
Submitted by Issues on Sat, 04/24/2010 - 11:21 Comment #2
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.