Submitted by LHaig on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 04:07
I incorrectly purchased an upgrade from 10 - 50 when trying to renew my license today.
Could I get a refund for this please.
I also selected the incorrect payment method for the upgrade so it will take 4-7 days to come through.
My license expires in 14 hours will this affect me in anyway?
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 12:09 Comment #1
To keep things simpler, would you prefer if we just applied a renewal for you instead?
And to answer your question: No, it won't effect anything. Virtualmin doesn't stop working, you'll just get a warning box notifying you of the expiration.
I'll issue your refund right now (the upgrade from 10-50 is $15 more than the renewal, so we won't go that route; just like the used car salesman says, "we wanna save you money!"). Go ahead and order the renewal, and we'll get the bits sorted on the license side.
Hmmm, I see you also made a Virtualmin 10 full purchase, though PayPal has delayed payment on that so the order never went through. Were you wanting an additional new license or was this another attempt to renew?
To renew, you'd want the products found on the renewals page here:
Renewals are cheaper (only $45), so I'm sure you'll want to get the right thing. ;-)
Submitted by LHaig on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 13:42 Comment #4
Yes I did screw up big time.
I just want to renew my license.
how do I do that? without me screwing up again.
Just purchase the Virtualmin 10 Annual Renewal on this page:
This page is reached by clicking "Renewals" on the shop main page under Virtualmin, or on the Virtualmin page there's a link for both "Upgrades" and "Renewals" just above the product list.
Submitted by LHaig on Mon, 12/03/2012 - 04:15 Comment #6