Disk QuotaMonitoring Issue


I have enabled "Disk Quota Monitoring". The problem is that it is not monitoring all the mailboxes of all domains. Only few domains are monitored. I tried to play around with few different settings but no good result.

Can someone please help getting it aligned.

Regards Misbah

Closed (fixed)


Is there a particular mailbox that you think it should be sending warning email about which is being missed?

If so, try SSHing in as root and running the command

/etc/webmin/virtual-server/quotas.pl --debug

And posting the output here, along with information about the user's current usage and quota limit.


I have attached the file with the debug info. It misses all the domains of onyxar.com the usernames are w.ghazi@onyxar.com (usage: 98MB Limit: 100MB) fadhlu@onyxar.com (usage:19.84MB Limit: 20MB) report@onyxar.com (usage:24.73MB) Limit:25MB

The same happens for other domains even.

Regards Misbah

One possible cause is that Virtualmin thinks it has already send a recent email to those users.

Try deleting the file /etc/webmin/virtual-server/quotas-warnings , which resets all the last-email times, then running quotas.pl again.

No changes, I have attached the output.

testing to add subscription

Could you run the following command, and post the output here :

virtualmin list-users --domain onyxar.com --user w.ghazi --multiline

I'd like to see what Virtualmin thinks the real disk usage and quota is.

Please find attached the report.

This time I issued the command

/etc/webmin/virtual-server/quotas.pl --debug

and then issued this command

virtualmin list-users --domain onyxar.com --user h.zirky --multiline

since h.zirky user account quota is used 19MB out of 20MB allowed.

Regards Misbah

Ok, I think I see the cause now .. is the virtual server onyxar.com a sub-server or a top-level server?

Because there is a bug that prevents mailbox quota checking on sub-servers :-(

Yea, its a sub server. Also it doesn't report quota's for all sub servers.

Is there anyway to fix this bug or any workaround?

If you need a quick fix, I could send you an updated package?

Does that require a down time? Is that a update to complete application or just a part of application?

If you you suggest me to apply it to live environment, then please send it.

No, there will be no down-time.

Are you running Virtualmin GPL or Pro, and on which Linux distribution?

Good that there will be no downtime. I'm running Pro on centos 5

Ok, I will email you the update ..

Thanks Jamie! It worked like a spell lol

Thanks for your much appreciated help and support.

Great - glad that worked

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.