using Webmin Version 1.500, Virtualmin Version 3.76.gpl on Debian 4.0 etch, I try to restore a Virtualmin-Backup from Webmin Version 1.500, Virtualmin Version 3.76.gpl on Debian 5.0 lenny.
But, I get the following error:
Starting restore of 1 domains from local file /home/falko/ ..
Extracting backup archive file .. .. extraction of /home/falko/ failed!
/bin/tar: Pattern matching characters used in file names. Please, use --wildcards to enable pattern matching, or --no-wildcards to suppress this warning.
.backup/*: Not found in archive
/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Backup does not contain virtual server information for missing domain
.. failed! See the progress output above for the reason why.
I could manage to do the restore by changing line 1093 in from
$extract = ".backup/*";
$extract = ".backup/";
Don't know if this is only system specific issue or a bug in virtualmin.