
Run a command on one system with a file on another system as either input or output.

This command captures the output of some command run on a system managed by Cloudmin, and saves it to a file on another system. The source system is specified with the --source flag, and the target with --dest.The command to run is set with the --cmd flag, and the destination file with the --destfile parameter followed by a new filename.

Alternately, it can run a command whose input is the contents of a file on another system. In this case, use the --sourcefile flag to specify the input to the command, which will be taken from the --source system and run on the --dest system.

Example usage

  cloudmin transfer-command --source xencentos.home --dest xensendmail.home --cmd 'tar cvzf - /etc' --dest /backup/etc.tar.gz
  Transferring output from tar cvzf - /etc on xencentos.home to /backup/etc.tar.gz on xensendmail.home ..
  .. done

Command Line Help

Run a command with a file on another system as either input or output

cloudmin transfer-command --source hostname
                          --dest hostname
                          --cmd "command"
                          --destfile path | --sourcefile path