AWstats update to more recent version

Hi all,

virtualmin-awstats seems rather outdated, version 6.7 is more than 2 years old. May I ask that you provide an update? Regards,


Closed (fixed)


Yes, that is rather old .. are you using the GPL or Pro repository?

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 01/08/2010 - 12:28 Pro Licensee

The virtualmin-awstats package is at version 4.2, released in July of 2009.

We do not provide the awstats package. It is provided by your OS vendor, and we have no control over it.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 01/08/2010 - 12:29 Pro Licensee

Oh, I guess I should explain that virtualmin-awstats is a Virtualmin module for managing awstats configuration, and awstats is the actual awstats program. virtualmin-awstats does not contain awstats, nor is its version or release dates in any way related to versions and releases of awstats.

To add onto what Joe said -- indeed, some of the packages in the Ubuntu 8.04 LTS release are aging at this point.

A new LTS release is just a few months off though (in April). Once it's available, it shouldn't take Joe too long to add in Virtualmin support, and once it does, that release should offer lots of "fresh" packages. At the moment, it looks like they're including Awstats version 6.9.

Thank you all, in the meantime, I found that it's almost trivial to choose whatever version of awstats you need. First I've fiddled with symlinks in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ and /usr/share/awstats/ but then I found that I could easily change the location of awstats in the virtualmin module config:

Webmin > Servers > AWstats Reporting > Module Config

That helps and is completely ok, I do have a current version of awstats in /usr/local/src now. Regards,


nvm found it.... in /etc/awstats/awstats.conf:


oops wrong topic