Composing Email: From Address


Would it be possible to create an option where all "email aliases" are listed in a drop down where the "From" field is for email composition?



The reason for such a request is, I have setup various email aliases for my company (ex:,, which all get put into a single user account (ie: This model allows to easily maintain contact with customers while dividing messages into sub-directories within my mailbox system (ie: INBOX.billing, INBOX.sales, based on procmail filters.

Anways, I figured this could be setup as an "option" for the "From" field in addition to the existing "free form" and "fixed" address formats currently in the system.


Closed (fixed)


This should actually already happen, assuming that the other email addresses appear in the "Additional email addresses" field on the "Edit Mailbox" page for the user in question .. and if you have the from address set to "Fixed", as is the default.

If not, how did you create these additional addresses?

This should actually already happen, assuming that the other email addresses appear in the "Additional email addresses" field on the "Edit Mailbox" page for the user in question .. and if you have the from address set to "Fixed", as is the default.

If not, how did you create these additional addresses?

tpnsolutions's picture
Submitted by tpnsolutions on Sun, 01/03/2010 - 02:18

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Allow me to clarify my idea.

Basically, I create one (1) master email address with every domain.


("user1" is the unix user which is also used for ftp and other services respectively)

I then proceed to create "aliases" for the master email address.


These aliases simply place the messages sent to them into the "user1" mailbox.

I then proceed to setup email filters which allow for sorting and grouping messages together into folders.

ex. => inbox.sales, =>

Okay, so hopefully this makes more sense so far.

Here's what I'm proposing.

In Usermin, when you "compose" a message, I'd like an option to to show "all" email address variations in a drop down.

This includes "user1" and the numerous "aliases" (ex.,

In theory, this should be fairly easy process, since you'd simply need to parse the file storing the "aliases" for the domain, and add them to the drop down menu.

Many email applications today allow for the maintenance of "identities" at the client level. The method I'm proposing goes one step further, by automatically making the identities available by reading in the "aliases" created for a mailbox.

I see only one issue with my proposal so far, which is that you would not be able to effectively use multiple "signatures" with each alias, unless something was implemented to read various ".signature" files or an alternate method of managing signatures was implemented. (for me this isn't a huge deal)

In the meantime, while this idea is either being pondered, and/or implemented I will likely continue using a third-party web mail application where identities are supported, however I suggested this idea simply to make the email application a bit better than it currently is. Therefore making Usermin more widely adopted for email reading :-)

*** just my two cents ***


Ok, I see what you are doing ..

If instead of using the Aliases page, how about if you instead add these extra addresses at Edit Mail and FTP Users -> username -> Email settings -> Additional email addresses ? If added there, they should appear in a drop-down list when the user is composing email ..

tpnsolutions's picture
Submitted by tpnsolutions on Sun, 01/03/2010 - 04:54

Wow, you're right... Thanks Jamie!

You rock, as always!

Be sure to check out my thread on "TPN Cluster Manager (TPNCM)" which discusses a project I'm working on to solve the long standing request for simple service clustering (me being a primary person interested in this)


Cool, glad that worked..

What is the URL of the TPN thread?