Can't run virtualmin from commandline

No idea why I get this error?

[munnik@stevie]{~}>/usr/sbin/virtualmin help
usage: /usr/sbin/virtualmin <command> [args..]
   or: /usr/sbin/virtualmin help <command>

Available commands :

Error: Script was not run with full path (failed to find /opt/webmin/virtual-server/ under )

Script was not run with full path (failed to find /opt/webmin/virtual-server/ under )
[munnik@stevie]{~}>ls -l /opt/webmin/virtual-server/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin         3518 Dec 16 11:41 /opt/webmin/virtual-server/
Closed (fixed)


What happens if you run :

/usr/sbin/virtualmin list-domains

or how about :


Sorry my fault, I have to run this as root…

I guess the error is misleading ;)

Ok, that would explain it.

I will add a check to the virtualmin script to ensure it is run as root.

I would like to make a plugin for roundcube so users can change their password and set the autoreply option. I found:

/usr/sbin/virtualmin help change-password

     Designed to be called from Usermin's Change Passwords
     module. If you want to change a password from the command
     line, use the "modify-domain" command instead.

But modify-domain only let's me change the password of the domain-owner?

How can I modify the auto-reply settings using the commandline?

If you want to change a mailbox's password, use the modify-user API command.

Hi, I managed to change the password using the commandline (also see Now I wan't to modify the autoreply option. The commandline help show me a way to set and unset the autoreply text. But I would also like to modify "Automatic reply options" as in the Virtualmin webinterface.

Thanks, Martijn

That's not possible yet, sorry. Which autoreply option would you like to edit?

I'm trying to build a plugin for roundcube. What I would like is to set the text for the autoreply message (HTML and plain text). Start date, end date and minimum time between replies.

There's an autoreply parameter to the modify-user API command already that can set the message. I will add autoreply-start, autoreply-end and autoreply-period flags in the next release.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.