problem with AWBS virtualmin api connection

if u are using virtualmin with awbs, after upgrading to last versions of both;virtualmin wont be able to create new accounts or domains..claiming "no template exists" even there is one..!!! This is due to parsing in i have attached "modifed" which works fine for now.. but for the guys who are using virtualmin with awbs ,it will be nice if u modify the source of this file. cause it has to be modifed every upgreade..:)

Closed (fixed)


This really looks like an AWBS bug .. they are passing in an invalid template name.

They should either omit the template parameter (in which case the default will be used), or set it to something valid.

1- i am a simple user of your product [from the very start] and awbs.. 2-and they are not compatible with each other.for now..!! 3- i just claimed a "work around" solution.. 4-u or awbs should underline that your products are not compatible.. 5-awbs is really far away what/how/when joe or virtualmin will respond and do.. it would take "years" for awbs to understand/deal with the problem..:) but many people are using awbs..

this was the only reason i forwarded the problem to your notice.. bacause of the respect for webmin and virtualmin. and joe,himself..:)

Do you happen to know what API call and parameters AWBS is making? You might be able to see it in /var/webmin/miniserv.log . That would be useful to implement a work-around for this ..

i have tried to cut bullshit around..[since it is a giga-genarmous file] but the request is somthing like this..;

200 27947 - root [18/Nov/2009:23:32:27 +0200] "GET /virtual-server/remote.cgi?program=create-domain&desc=paket100L& HTTP/1.0" 200 979 - - [18/Nov/2009:23:34:03 +0200] "GET

Ok, I see what they are doing now .. I will handle this in the next Virtualmin release.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.